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Jury Service

Serving as a juror is one of the fundamental rights and privileges of being a United States citizen. Trial by jury is a right guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Most people who actually serve as a juror on a trial will tell you that it is a very educational and interesting experience. The Court recognizes the inconvenience jury service may cause. However, the success of the jury system depends upon the willingness of men and women of integrity and intelligence to accept jury service, and upon the fidelity with which they discharge that responsibility.

Here are some commonly asked questions that may help you better understand the Jury System. We recommend clicking on the "Show all answers" link below, prior to printing this page.

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Who may be called as a juror?

You may be called to serve if you are at least 18 years old, a United States citizen, and a resident of Lehigh County.

How was my name selected for jury duty?

The Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts is making available to each county a county-specific list of potential jurors.  The selection is at random by computer from the Departments of Human Services, Transportation, Revenue, and State.

What can I expect if I am required to report?

An orientation will be provided by the Court Administrator's office advising you of the jury selection procedure. During the jury selection you will be told about the length of the trial. Any conflicts that you may have will be addressed during the jury selection.

How long will I have to serve?

Lehigh County follows a "one day, one trial" procedure. If the jury selection is lengthy due to the nature of the case, or if unforeseen circumstances arise, the court may require jurors to return a second day. If you are not chosen to serve on a jury on the day you report, you will not have to return a second day. If you are selected as a juror, you will serve until the trial is concluded. Typical cases are two or three days including the jury selection day. The trial will begin immediately after the jury selection.

What time will I arrive and leave?

The Courthouse is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Breaks and a lunch break will be provided. If the jury selection process is lengthy, you may be at the Courthouse past 4:30 p.m.

Does my employer have to pay me while I am serving?

Pennsylvania law does not require an employer to compensate an employee for jury service. Check with your employer for their policy. If you are required to report for jury selection, you will receive a work excuse to provide to your employer at the conclusion of your service.

How much does the county pay me for jury duty?

Pennsylvania law provides that you are entitled to receive per diem compensation even if you are not selected to serve on a jury. You will receive $9.00 for each day of service for the first three days, and $25.00 for each day thereafter, plus mileage for each day of service. The mileage is based on the zip code of your home address. You will receive a debit card when you report for jury service. Payment will be loaded to the debit card approximately one week from the last day you serve.

What happens if a person ignores a summons to jury service?

The law provides that failure to appear as summoned shall be punishable for contempt of court and may be fined up to $500 and/or imprisonment.

Is there an exemption due to my age?

Pennsylvania law does not exclude persons due to their age. However, if you are 75 years of age or older, state law allows that you can request to be excused from jury service.

What if I have a conflict with the date I am to serve?

Lehigh County has a liberal deferment policy. You may select a deferment date when completing the online questionnaire. Last minute emergency deferments will also be considered. You can only request one deferment via the online questionnaire.  The court prefers to grant only one postponement.

If I request an exemption, how will I know if it was granted?

You will receive correspondence wither via email or U.S. Mail, dependent on your preferred method of contact you select when you complete your questionnaire.

Why do I have to wait until the night before to find out if I have to report?

The needs of the court may vary. Jurors are only called if a judge requests a jury to be available. Many times jurors are not needed at all. If your sequence number is not called, your service is complete.

Why does my summons instruct me to call on a Sunday evening for a Monday date?

If the date indicated is a Sunday, you may call anytime after 5:30 pm on the Friday evening prior to that date. The tape recorded message is available the entire weekend.

Where will I park when I report for jury duty?

Free juror parking is located at the Allentown Government Deck which is located at 401 Hamilton Street at the corner of N. 4th & W. Hamilton Streets.  You may enter the parking garage from either direction of Hamilton Street onto College Street, which is a one-way street between N. 4th Street and the City Hall Complex.  If you park anywhere else, the court will not be able to reimburse you for additional expenses.

Click here for Jury Parking Map

If you have a qualified disability or a vehicle higher than 7' 2" please call the Court Administrator's office 610 782-3014 for parking instructions.

What if I have an emergency on the day I am to report?

Call the Court Administrator's office - (610) 782-3014 between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm

What should I wear to court?

Proper attire is required. You should dress the way you would for a job interview. Blue jeans, shorts and tee shirts are not suitable.

What happens if there is inclement weather on the day that I am required to report?

If inclement weather is predicted, when you call the evening before your reporting day, the recording will instruct you to call back after 6:30 am If the court cancels or delays the reporting time for that day, the recorded message will indicate the updated status. If the message has not changed, then your status remains the same.

Who do I call to find out additional information?

24 Hour Juror Information Line: (610) 782-3950
This tape recorded message answers many of the commonly asked questions.

24 Hour Juror Reporting Status: (610) 782-3433
This tape recorded message indicates which sequence numbers are required to report the following morning or the next day that court is in session.

Notice: If the voice mail system is not functioning a message will be posted on the home page of this website.

District Court Administrator: (610) 782-3014
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Mon.- Fri.

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Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas, 455 West Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101-1614 • (610) 782-3000